Thursday, February 19, 2009

GamJams Reviews: Chamois Cream - Body Glide

Let me first say that Body Glide is not exactly chamois cream. It is, exactly an anti-blister & anti-chafing stick. That's right, its the Mennon Speed Stick for your nether region. You apply it just like deodorant to your saddle's points of contact in your perineal area. This is a plus if you do not like dealing with messy creams and what not. One draw back though, if you are hirsute in the nether area, your stick can get a little fuzzy if you know what I mean. The stick does not care but you might. I have been using this product for several years now and had minimal problems related to saddle sores. When I have had a minor "issue", one or two applications of Body Glide clear them right up. In fact, I used Body Glide the day I spent ten and a half hours in the saddle riding stage 10 of the 2004 Tour de France from Limoges to St. Flour (L'Etape du Tour) and had no "issues" at all. Body Glide, it works for me.